a b Tivi

MBC - phải gửi ticket nó mới trả tiền

20:47 Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 7, 2012
mẫu email:

Dir Sir!
The last month I withdrawed my payment,but now I don't recive it.please tell me why?
"You have a pending withdrawal request submitted on 2012-06-04 01:36:39
for $50 Your Withdrawal Request is being processed.

Please note we are experiencing delays in payments due to many people with Multiple Account violations and fraudulent orders. We apologize for this inconvenience. "

Please help me to resolve this issue!
thank you"

kèm theo cái hình chụp cái pending vào là xong
3,4 ngày là về, còn ko thì chờ tiếp.

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